Hi, internet! Welcome to Love At First Slice, the cheesiest blog on the web. If there's one thing I think most of the population can agree on, it's that pizza is a staple fast food. A nationwide survey found that the average American will eat
6,000 slices of pizza in their lifetime.
I am no exception to this statistic. I am a pizza aficionado. I ate a half a pizza the night before a pageant with no regrets. I've worked in the pizza industry for a combined 5 years. I've had the experiences of working for a pizza chain and a mom & pop pizzeria. When I would tell people I worked at a pizza place, they'd often ask me "don't you get sick of pizza?" The answer is a firm "hell no". I understand the reasoning of why people don't like to bring work home with them, but I worked in an environment I loved... surrounded by pizza.
Smiling because I get to serve pizza, paint pizza art, and spend Valentine's Day with pizza |
So why am I telling you about this? Maybe you don't have a big appetite. Maybe you're sensitive to lactose. Maybe you can't eat 13 slices of pizza in a week. Maybe your "college student budget" only allows you to get a $2 plain slice at Riggtown because you spent the rest of your budget at the bars. I'm telling you this because you need me. I'm the hero West Chester deserves. I'm ready to put the pizzerias of West Chester to the test. I'd like to make my blog the go-to place to answer the question every West Chester University student finds themselves asking.
"Where should I get pizza from tonight?"
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